January 9, 2022
Weekly update Jan.9
I really want to commend you all for your work at last week's race. For some of you it was your first race, for others it was a step into competition that you fully embraced. We get to keep racing this week with our first home race on Wednesday. It's scheduled to be a 7.5k for HS skiers and 5k for MS skiers. If we end up using the sprint loop (most likely) we will have the HS do five laps and the MS do 4 laps. We will have a coach/parent volunteer to help track your laps, but you should try to keep in mind where you are on the race.
Waxing this week will be a bit odd as the temperatures are going to fluctuate, but we've got a plan for that. If you're waxing today, go with blue then red. Blue is a very hard wax so you'll want to do this in an environment that is a bit warmer than being outside.
Speaking of the weather, Tuesday is forecast to be cold. Many folks don't realize that with proper preparation skiers are fine when the temperatures are in the single digits. Proper preparation includes being hydrated, layering with non-cotton clothing, dry socks, a buff and hat with slightly thicker gloves/mittens or "lobster mitts" and having hand warmers available.
As for the jacket and softgoods orders, I'm going to be following up with Podiumwear, Paint 'n Place and the buff folks this week for updates.
This week:
Monday- Practice at Proctor 3:00-5:00 skiing a full race distance without stopping after a warm up and following that with a warm down. Include stretching, snacking, and hydration.
Tuesday- Practice at Proctor 3:00-5:00 Easy ski with work on downhills and uphills
Wednesday- Race at Proctor HSG start at 3:00, HSB start at 3:45, MS starts at 4:15. We need parent volunteers for a multitude of tasks (starting crew, timing, lap counters, registration and finishing crew) I'll send out the start list Tuesday night so you know your start time. We have many skiers coming and we'll need to share bibs.
Thursday- Practice at Proctor 3:00-5:00 classic recovery ski
Friday- Practice at Proctor 3:00-5:00 classic technique day
Saturday- OPTIONAL excursion to Green Woodlands for a team and family ski where folks meet up at the Dorchester side of Greens and we'll have a fun ski for everyone. Racers can get a chance to explore and families can come to try out this amazing gift that the Green family provides for the public at no charge.
Looking ahead, we have the first Coaches' Series Race on Jan. 22 at White Mountains and we'll need help that day with manning the race, feeding and hydrating skiers, and making sure that everyone is where they need to be. More details to come.