January 22, 2023

Good afternoon! I hope that many of you were able to get out and enjoy the snowfall this weekend. I certainly did. I got up to Green Woodlands both Saturday and Sunday. Couper and some of the Blagden family joined me on Sunday and I ran into some Kearsarge Nordic Alumni out on the trails. If you haven't been to Greens, it's a real gift that the Green family provides for the western NH community of Nordic skiers and mountain bikers.

We have a really busy week ahead of us with more snow and two races.

Monday (weather dependent) practice @Proctor 3:45-5:45 classic technique (hills and striding) with some distance.

Tuesday practice @Proctor 3:15-5:15 classic easy ski & race starts

Wednesday race @Whitaker Woods, North Conway MS dismissal 10:45, departure 11:00, HS dismissal 11:00, departure 11:15 (let's make sure we get out of there before they can cancel the race)

Thursday (weather dependent) practice @Proctor 3:15-5:15 recovery classic ski

Friday wax night prep skis for Coaches' Series Race

Saturday race @ Waterville Valley, Classic race, meet at HS at 7:00 am, return will be following the girls race.

The Coaches' Series races are the biggest races of the year. They go a long way toward determining both the U16 and EHS teams for NH skiers and have upwards of 600 skiers competing on the same day.

Each skier needs to have a waiver completed. Here is the link: NHNCA Coaches' Series Waiver

This waiver needs to be done by Wednesday at noon. Please get this done as soon as possible.

The schedule for the races this year is a little different:

Middle School Boys Race: 10:30 am

Middle School Girls Race: 11:00 am

High School Boys Race: 12:15 pm

High School Girls Race: 1:15 pm

We also need parent volunteers for two sets of things: our team needs (waxing and manning the food table) and race needs (volunteer sign-up form). It is expected that we supply at least one volunteer throughout the day (should be split up among four people. I'd love to have some parents at the finish for the MS races as our bibs are being used for one of those races.

Skiers will be starting in waves of five, there are 20 waves of MS boys, 19 waves of MS girls, 41 waves of HS boys, and 40 waves of HS girls. I'm not sure yet on the start interval.

Thank you all for your continued support, patience, and enthusiasm. We finally have some good, and getting better, conditions to ski on.


October 29, 2023


January 15, 2023