January 15, 2023
Hi folks,
I'm relaxing a bit after returning from Rumford and the NENSA Eastern Cup Races at Black Mountain of Maine. It was a great weekend of racing with some amazing skiers including Ben Ogden of UVM and the US team fresh off his 13th place in the FIS Tour de Ski.
Well, we were all disappointed with missing out on last week's race. The only recourse would be to communicate with the SAU or you School Board members. We will adapt and persevere as we move forward. As for this week's races at Gunstock, word from the Gunstock folks up at Rumford was not promising. With that said, I contacted Derryfield, who are hosting a race at Waterville Valley on Wednesday for both HS and MS, and he is allowing us in.
With this opportunity, High School Students need to remember that academics comes first. If there is any question as to whether they should request a changed exam, discuss it with your parents first, contact your teacher second, and if you're unsure, stay and take your exam.
High School Racers, if you do come to the race and your parents come, they can take you home immediately after the race. This is very much different from usual, but it would allow HS racers to get home with exams continuing on Thursday.
I'll confirm things with Derryfield and our schools' administration tomorrow morning.
This week:
Monday: Classic practice @ Proctor 12:00 - 2:00
Tuesday: Classic practice @ Proctor 3:15 - 5:00
Wednesday: Freestyle race @ Waterville Valley MS dismissal 11:45, departure 12:00; HS dismissal 12:00, departure 12:15
Thursday: Classic practice @ Proctor 3:45
Friday: Wax day
Make sure you have your classic skis and poles this week.