January 21, 2024
Good Evening folks,
Sorry for the late notice, but just getting back from a weekend of amazing racing at Mount Van Hoevenberg (Lake Placid), NY. Your teammates who represented Kearsarge Nordic did a great job as one of the only school teams there for the weekend. I'm so proud of all of them (Eli Baer, Andrew Blagden, Aiden Deegan, Ava Valle, Ned Stepp, Ainsley Frenkiewich, Kat Blagden, Haley Deegan, and Ellis Sprague and you all should be too.
I'm sure that they'll share highlights of their weekend. Suffice it to say that there were great memories made by all.
Another HUGE thank you to the parents who came to support their children and the team. They make the whole experience possible and it couldn't happen without them.
This week:
Monday: Practice for everyone at Proctor 3:15-5, classic distance and technique
Tuesday: Practice at Proctor 3:15-5, classic intervals and hill work, plus reindeer games
Wednesday: Practice at Proctor 3:15-5, classic technique work
Thursday: MS race @ Proctor, 3:00, MS skiers need to be there for 2:00. HS skiers, practice @ Proctor 3:15-5:00 easy distance ski
Friday: off
Saturday: waxing for NHNCA Coaches' Series Race
Sunday: NHNCA Coaches' Series Classic Race at Holderness. **I'm checking on a bus** Skiers will need to be there for the day and a more detailed information sheet will be out by Wednesday.
That's it, see you tomorrow.