Feb. 2, 2025

Good evening. 

Just back from an amazing weekend at Quarry Road Trails in Waterville Maine for the Roy Varney Memorial Eastern Cup weekend. Five athletes from the team along with parents trekked to Maine for some fresh snow, cold temperatures, and an unforgettable trip to Marden's. I'm so proud of our skiers who pushed themselves beyond their comfort zone and overcame physical and mental fatigue to compete this weekend. 

I also want to share a couple of comments from some coaches this weekend. Ollie Burress, coach for Craftsbury Outdoor Center, spoke to me about a Kearsarge skier who responded to his encouragement in a very positive way and thanked Ollie. He was impressed and said so. Mackenzie Rizzio, coach for Prospect Mtn. Nordic also shared that one of our skiers was incredibly nice and supportive of one of her skiers who was competing in her very first Eastern Cup race and was nervous about it. Coach Rizzio said the Kearsarge skier was amazing and she just had to pass that along. We may not be at the top of the results list, but these are the kind of results that I believe are more valuable. Thank you Kearsarge Nordic.

The U18 skiers (Ben, Ava, Ainsley, and Ned) skied 10K races both days and Kat (U16) did 2 intense 5k races against very strong competition. The next Eastern Cup weekend is Feb. 14-15 at Rikert Nordic Center in Ripton, VT with a "try it" option for skiers to see what these races are like.

This week is busy with two races. 

Monday: Practice @ Proctor 4-5:30 CLASSIC. Double poling over distance

Tuesday: Practice @ Proctor 4-5:30 CLASSIC. Easy ski with some transition work

Wednesday: Race at White Mountains. Departure for everyone from HS at 11:00 am. Be there by 10:40 am. Mass Start 3:00 Boys, 3:15 Girls, 3:45 MS Boys, 3:55 MS Girls

Thursday: Practice at Proctor 4-5:30 CLASSIC. Recovery ski 

Friday: Waxing for Coaches' Series #2 at Wax Hosts. Times TBD

Saturday: Race- Coaches' Series #2 @ Whitaker Woods Recreation Area, North Conway. Departure: 6:30 am from HS.

For Saturday's race, same deal as last Coaches' Series, if you are planning to transport your child home, you must wait until the day's events are completed (including awards) and must let coaches know by Friday evening. Thanks.

We will also need to have some parent volunteers to help with waxing and help as Course Monitors.

Just a note: Middle School Championships are two weeks from tomorrow.

See you all soon.


Feb. 9


Jan 26, 2025