Feb. 9

Good evening,

I hope everyone is pretty happy with the new snow we get to ski on. It also looks like we're in for some more this week. We are getting to some of the best skiing conditions of the season and the daylight is lengthening so get to enjoy it more without the lights.

We are also winding down the competitive season for the Middle School. Their championships are next Monday, February 18. But they are still encouraged to keep skiing with the team. We will have some excursions coming up and there are races that still include MS skiers after their championships.

High School skiers, you've got a few weeks to really get healthy and fine-tuned for the regional championships and the State Championships. A reminder, HS skiers need to be available during the second half of February vacation. These are not optional practices as State Championships are right when we get back from break.

This week is still very busy with races and the upcoming Eastern Cup race at Rikert in Vermont.

Here's the plan:

Monday: Practice @ Proctor 4-5:30, HS Freestyle over distance, MS Classic with some practice with obstacles.

Tuesday: HS Practice @ Proctor 4-5:30, easy pre-race ski with work on transitions between classic and skate skis, MS Classic Obstacle Race @ Holderness 3:30 race time- MS dismissal at 1:00 pm (more details from Coach Pruett)

Wednesday: HS Skiathlon Race @ Oak Hill. 4:00 race time, 1:50 dismissal, 2:00 departure.

Thursday: practice @ Proctor 4-5:30, recovery ski

Friday: practice @ Proctor 4-5:30, MS this is your final tune up for States. Please try to be there. You'll be practicing for the relay and doing some speeds. HS skiers who are not going to Rikert should be there to get a distance ski with some speed work in as well.

Saturday/Sunday: Eastern Cup @ Rikert Nordic Center, Ripton VT, MS should get out and do some skiing.

Next week: 

Monday- MS Championships All day at Sandwich

Wednesday- Fall Mtn race @ Dublin (HS and MS)

In order to give folks a sense of a break, we won't be practicing February 21-25. We will resume on Wednesday Feb. 26 with a freestyle relay race at Dublin, and practices Thursday at Proctor, Friday at Great Glen, and Saturday at Green Woodlands.

Please get plenty of rest as we've been hit with the illness bug the last week or so. Don't share water bottles/belts.

See everyone tomorrow.


Feb. 2, 2025