December 26, 2023
Happy Vacation week!
This is time for our "mini camp" where we get to put some good time into skiing without the pressure of classes or darkness. And while the weather is playing tricks on us, we will persevere and have fun doing so.
Reminder that this week's practices are mandatory for HS, and optional for MS skiers.
Here's the plan for this week:
Wednesday: practice @ Proctor 1:00-3:00 pm classic intervals and games
Thursday: practice @ Proctor 1:00-3:00 pm classic technique, uniform handout
Friday: practice @ Proctor* 1:00-3:00 pm classic distance
Saturday: excursion ski @ Dublin or Craftsbury. Families invited. We will find some snow and work on both classic and skate. Departure will be at 8:00 am and return will be 4:30-5:00 pm. Bring lunch, equipment for both disciplines, water belt, snacks, and be ready for some fun.
*We may try to find some more snow for Friday, stay tuned.
Next week:
Monday: Off
Tuesday: Practice @ Proctor 3:15-5:00
Wednesday: Practice @ Proctor 4:30-6:15
Thursday: Practice @ Proctor 3:15-5:00
Friday: Race @ Dublin School Nordic Center, departure from school @ 12:15, we need to organize transportation.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
In the event that Proctor closes tomorrow, we'll be at the high school. Bring gym and running attire.
I'll send out a Remind if we change the plan.