December 18, 2022

Good evening folks,

Sorry about the lateness of this update. I was bouncing between Lake Placid with our Eastern Cup skiers and my family's Christmas celebration in Cornwall, VT and got home to all this wonderful snow!!

If you see Andrew Blagden, Aiden Deegan, and Cam Dezotell, congratulate them on completing their first 10 kilometer race. And this race was on one of the hardest courses imaginable. Well done! Congratulations also to Kylin Frenkiewich and Eli Baer who also gave it their all in the fresh snow of the Adirondacks.

This week we are still skate skiing:

Monday- practice 3:15-5:15, easy ski with technique work for the MS. Also, MS skiers will be issued uniforms at the end of practice.

Tuesday- practice 3:15-5:15, intervals made fun. Getting our speed on.

Wednesday- NO PRACTICE

Thursday- practice 3:45-5:45, distance skiing in the dark. Working on up and down hills.

Friday- practice 9:45-11:45, speed work on the sprint loop. Note the time

Looking ahead,

Next week's practices are December 27 1:00 pm, December 28 9:00 am, December 29 9:00 am, December 30 9:00 am.


January 1, 2023


December 11, 2022