November 26, 2023
Hi folks,
We are in the last week before the season officially begins so folks may want to pull out their ski bags and make sure that everything is in there that is needed. My boot bag has taken up its spot next to the woodstove with boots drying out after roller skiing yesterday. The trailer will be at the high school all week if people want to drop off their ski bags in it. It will be making the trip over to its winter home at Proctor next week.
Here's the plan for this week:
Monday: General Strength training at the HS 3:00-4:30
Tuesday: Pole running and hill bounding at the HS 3:00-4:30 (bring headlamps)
Wednesday: Intervals on the hill at the HS 3:00-4:00 (bring headlamps)
Thursday: Roller skiing (classic or skate) at MS 3:00-4:30 (bring hi-vis and everything for roller skiing)
Friday: hike to Field of Dreams at the HS 3:00-4:30 (bring headlamps, water)
A look ahead, we'll be doing general strength at the HS on Monday, December 4. And we should be skiing at Proctor on Tuesday. Let's get the carpooling set up.
Also, our race schedule is on and the calendar there has practices listed as well.
See you soon!