November 14, 2021

We got a bit of snow last night which was a wonderful capping off to a great day for everyone. I hope that those who attended the high school dance had a fun-filled evening.

We had over 27 skiers and 15 parents who helped out with the Fall Clean-up Fundraiser and we'll have raised about $3000 in one day of very hard work (and some amazing leaf-blowing and raking in the dark). Thank you all.

This money will go towards helping families with jacket purchases, supplying the team with glide and kick waxes, upkeep and upgrades to the ski team trailer, and paying for day passes and the overnight for the state championships for those skiers.

Peter and I can't give you all enough thanks for your generosity of time.

I did end up with a few rakes. See attached pictures and they'll be in my truck tomorrow only at the middle school. Please take them or at least claim them, so I can get it back to you.

This week the out of season workouts are still High School only, but MS skiers could do some workouts that mimic these on your own.

Classic week (All workouts this week will start and finish at the Middle School

Monday- Classic Over Distance 3:15-4:25 pm

Tuesday- Classic Technique work (double poling (DP), no pole striding) 3:15-4:25 pm

Wednesday- General strength on your own

Thursday- Classic Intervals (2 sets of 6x1:30) 3:15-4:25 pm

Friday- Classic Specific Strength (no pole DP, single pole pickups, t-rex, full DP, no pole stride) 3:15-4:25 pm

Saturday- Classic distance with speeds on your own (about 60 minutes)


December 5, 2021


August 2, 2021