March 30, 2021

Hi folks,

With the end of the skiing season upon us, there are some things that need to be addressed with regards to the team- one is uniform return; second, wax kit returns; another is goal setting for the future.

Uniform Return: Please get your uniforms to a coach as soon as possible. HS skiers can get them to Coach Lee or Coach Pauling, MS skiers get them to Coach Keene. Thanks

Wax Kits; If your family borrowed wax kits, please return them to a coach as well. These will need to be reconstituted so we can have our traditional wax parties next year.

Goal Setting: Each of you should start considering your skiing goals. If you have already thought about these, great. If you need to spend some time on this before putting a plan into place, that’s fine too. Remember, goals without a plan are dreams.

Once you have some (no more than three) goals regarding your skiing, set up some time to meet with Coach Pauling or Coach Lee and we’ll discuss them as then develop a plan to set you on a path towards achieving your goals. This is how summer training plans get started, this is how you develop your mind and body to be an endurance athlete. Don’t be afraid of it, embrace it.

Enjoy the warmer weather.


June 20-27


February 28, 2021